trips, gear, mind.


On this blog, we’ll be writing about our trips and reviews of the gear we use. We’ll also be sharing tips on how to build your mental resiliency. If you want to share your story with us, e-mail us at blog at

What is Catastrophizing?

What is Catastrophizing?

Cognitive distortion theory is a branch of psychology that deals with the way people think about and interpret situations. It was developed in the 1960s by Dr. Aaron Beck and has been expanded on by other researchers. Catastrophizing is one of the cognitive...

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How to Develop Grit

How to Develop Grit

You know that feeling you get when you’re at the bottom of a canyon, looking up? You can’t see anything but the sky. And it’s so quiet all around you. The only sound is your breathing and maybe some water dripping from rocks in the distance. It’s like nothing else...

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5 Reasons to Start a Journal

5 Reasons to Start a Journal

Here are five reasons why journaling is a great habit to develop: It can help you clarify your thoughts and organize your ideas. It can boost your creativity. It can improve your memory. It can help you relieve stress and anxiety. It can be a great way to track your...

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